"You should get a second opinion. She doesn't look autistic to me."
If I am going to be diplomatic, I take a deep breath and I take into account that the "public face" of autism does not look like my daughter. Some people have only Forrest Gump and Rainman or an old documentary of non-verbal children in a corner, rocking, hitting their head on the wall, to base their knowledge upon. This is not Stephannie.
BUT REALLY! Now the numbers say 1 in 88 children are believed to fall on the spectrum. Can anyone be so sheltered as to not know ONE? Can anyone watch so little tv, or read so little current information, that they truly believe the caricatures portrayed in these films are the mold?
If I am going to be the cranky, frustrated, over-stressed bitch????
Listen. You take the tickets at the mall carousel. That first (oh... and second... and um third opinion that I DID GET .... you know.. contrary to your assumptions....) was given by a pediatric neurologist who has written books and has lots of those pretty, framed documents on the wall. Just saying.
BUT REALLY! Now the numbers say 1 in 88 children are believed to fall on the spectrum. Can anyone be so sheltered as to not know ONE? Can anyone watch so little tv, or read so little current information, that they truly believe the caricatures portrayed in these films are the mold?
If I am going to be the cranky, frustrated, over-stressed bitch????
Listen. You take the tickets at the mall carousel. That first (oh... and second... and um third opinion that I DID GET .... you know.. contrary to your assumptions....) was given by a pediatric neurologist who has written books and has lots of those pretty, framed documents on the wall. Just saying.